Prepare for the DELE C1 exam in a month and get your APTO

Duration of 50 h.

Our DELE teachers and examiners teach you the best strategies and tips to pass the DELE C1 exam.

The next DELE C1 exam is in:


This course is for you if:

You want to know the complete structure of the DELE exam.

You need to know the best tips and strategies for each test on the exam.

You have trouble writing anecdotes, stories, e-mails, reports, argumentative texts...

You are looking for the best materials and sample exams to prepare you.

You lack fluency in the oral test. By the end you will know what the examiners want from you!

Course lessons plan

Course Content

1- Conociendo el DELE C1

2- Comprensión de Lectura y Uso de la Lengua.
3- Comprensión Auditiva y Uso de la Lengua.
4- Comprensión Auditiva y Expresión e Interacción escritas.
5- Comprensión de Lectura y Expresión e Interacción Orales.

What our students think about us...


Un curso más que me ha ayudado muchísimo! Con todas las estrategias y consejos expuestos claramente, este curso es imprescindible para la preparación del DELE C1.

9 months ago
marianna chatzigeorgiou
marianna chatzigeorgiou

¡Estoy muy satisfecha del curso Dele express C1!
¡El profesor es bien informado sobre los exámenes DELE! Este curso es necesario antes el día de los exámenes para que tu aprendas todos los "secretos".

2 years ago

Un curso perfecto con muchos trucos para todos que quieran conseguir APTO en DELE:)

2 years ago
Desirée Fois
Desirée Fois
Inscribirme en la academia online de español spanish classes live, fue una experiencia única que me enriqueció mucho con nuevos conocimientos. Los profesores son muy competentes, agradables y explican muy bien; siempre están disponibles para cualquier necesidad. Recomiendo encar...
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2 years ago
Roberta Veneri
Roberta Veneri

Para empezar, aprendí mucho sobre como gestionar los tiempo. A continuación, me gustaron los comentarios y los consejos sobre como hacer la parte escrita y oral.
En resumidas cuentas, he aprendido muchos trucos para llegar a cabo a estas tareas.

2 years ago

Curso realmente necesario para preparar y entender el examen. Es un curso excelente para familiarizarte con el examen. Las estrategias de tiempo, los esquemas, todos los consejos y la positividad de Fran son simplemente geniales.

3 years ago

Curso mágico para aprobar el examen DELE C1. Estoy preparándome para el examen DELE C1 y este curso resultó muy útil con sus estrategias mágicas. Espero que obtenga el apto en el examen. Mil gracias a los profesores de este curso.

3 years ago

¡Genial! ¡Muchísimas gracias! He aprendido muchas cosas, ¡ha sido superútil el curso! Ahora toca practicar 🙂

3 years ago
El curso es genial. El profesor explica cada tarea detalladamente, también propone las estrategias muy útiles. Por otro lado, se puede descargar los archivos del resumen de los contenidos. Después de realizar este curso me sentí mucho más segura y mejor preparada. Lo recomiendo ...
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3 years ago

Un cursillo excelente que inspira la confianza. No solo explica punto por punto las estrategias del presentar el examen sino anima cómo sacar la puntuación máxima posible. Me han encantado todos los módulos. Se puede preparar por su cuenta sin ninguna duda

3 years ago
Este curso es fantastico! ¡Me encanta este curso! Fran nos muestra cómo funciona el examen y nos explica claramente lo que se requisita en cada parte. Además, nos ofrece un montón de consejos imprescindibles, incluso estrategias para manejar el tiempo. A mi parecer, los modelos q...
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3 years ago

Estoy mui entusiasmado con el curso. A mi me parece que voy a desfrutarlo mucho. Gracias

3 years ago
Gracias a vuestra excelente enseñanza online, se me ha quitado mucha preocupación. Aunque me faltan muchas cosas, mi aprendizaje se ha convertido en un tipo de placer. Incluso me habéis dado muchas ganas de superación. Mi gran reto es conseguir el apto de C1. Muchísimas gracias ...
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3 years ago

Muy bueno. He finalizado el curso DELE express C1 y he aprendido muchas cosas importantes para el examen. Espero que tenga exito nel DELE C1 y ya espero que hagan el DELE express C2! Muchas gracias!

3 years ago
Gratitud. Me gustaría daros las gracias por la estrategia que juntos habéis pensado. Me parece excepcional porque te ordena las ideas y gracias a su sencillez es muy eficaz para cualquier candidato del DELE C1. Aun más cuando una persona no sabe cómo y dónde empezar con la táctic...
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4 years ago

A mi juicio el curso es muy util y me ha aclarado muchas dudas. Todavia no he intentado aprobar el C1 pero el curso me ha dado informaciones que no he incontrado en los libros. Fran es muy preparado y es un placer escucharle. Se nota que es un profesor con mucha experiencia.

4 years ago

Excepcional. Un curso muy práctico, bien estructurado que me ha sido de gran utilidad.

4 years ago

Me ha ayudado bastante.

4 years ago

Muy útil,lo recomiendo.

4 years ago

El curso esta muy bueno para el precio.

4 years ago

Online DELE preparation course without schedules, at your own pace.​

Choose the option that best suits your needs:

If you don’t pass the DELE exam we’ll give you your money back

100% money back guarantee

DELE C1 course

+ Preparation book + Individual class (51 h)
200 minutes of video lessons.
DELE C1 interactive mock exam of reading and listening comprehension.
Resolution of doubts in a private group for students only.
Correction of the written task.
30% discount on online preparation classes with our examiners.
New DELE C1 preparation book. Examination models and exercises.
Individual class to perform a mock oral exam.

DELE C1 course

+ Preparation book (50 h)
200 minutes of video lessons.
DELE C1 interactive mock exam of reading and listening comprehension.
Resolution of doubts in a private group for students only.
Correction of the written task.
30% discount on online preparation classes with our examiners.
New DELE C1 preparation book. Examination models and exercises.
Individual class to perform a mock oral exam.

DELE C1 course

200 minutes of video lessons.
DELE C1 interactive mock exam of reading and listening comprehension.
Resolution of doubts in a private group for students only.
Correction of the written task.
30% discount on online preparation classes with our examiners.
New DELE C1 preparation book. Examination models and exercises.
Individual class to perform a mock oral exam.

DELE C1 course

+ Preparation book (50 h)
200 minutes of video lessons.
DELE C1 interactive mock exam of reading and listening comprehension.
Resolution of doubts in a private group for students only.
Correction of the written task.
30% discount on online preparation classes with our examiners.
New DELE C1 preparation book. Examination models and exercises.
Individual class to perform a mock oral exam.

DELE C1 course

+ Preparation book + Individual class (51 h)
200 minutes of video lessons.
DELE C1 interactive mock exam of reading and listening comprehension.
Resolution of doubts in a private group for students only.
Correction of the written task.
30% discount on online preparation classes with our examiners.
New DELE C1 preparation book. Examination models and exercises.
Individual class to perform a mock oral exam.

DELE C1 course

200 minutes of video lessons.
DELE C1 interactive mock exam of reading and listening comprehension.
Resolution of doubts in a private group for students only.
Correction of the written task.
30% discount on online preparation classes with our examiners.
New DELE C1 preparation book. Examination models and exercises.
Individual class to perform a mock oral exam.

Meet our teachers:

gonzalo profesor


Codirector de Spanishclasseslive y profesor de la escuela.

Hello! My name is Gonzalo and I am from Granada. I lived there for 24 years, grew up and studied English as a Foreign Language pedagogy. Also trained as an ELE teacher and as a DELE examiner at all levels. For almost 8 years I have been living in Warsaw, the capital of Poland, where I have worked as a Spanish teacher with children and teenagers, in private schools and at the Instituto Cervantes in Warsaw.

My motto is “there is no better way to learn than having fun” 🙂

Love soccer, both watching and playing it, learning languages and getting to know new cultures, cooking, dancing, singing flamenco and acting.

Fran profesor


Codirector de Spanishclasseslive y profesor de la escuela.

Hello! I’m Fran and I’m from Elche, a city very close to Alicante. In 2015, just when I finished my degree in History at the University of Alicante, I moved to Poland to do pedagogical studies and several training courses for ELE teachers of expert level organized by the Instituto Cervantes and also to achieve the DELE examiner certificates for all levels.

I have worked as a Spanish teacher in a Primary and Secondary School in Warsaw (Poland) and at Cervantes Institute in the same city.

I am a soccer fan and a History lover. I love spending time in the with my friends and family, but most of all teaching Spanish while having fun.


To take the DELE express course you need to know the grammatical content and vocabulary of the level you are taking.

The content of this course is recorded because we have students from all over the world. You can access the class 24 hours a day, watch the video lessons and do your interactive homework. You can also have unlimited access to all the content and learn at your own pace.

In the Spanishclasseslive courses you will have Fran and Gonzalo as teachers. In addition to the classes with the explanations, you will be able to download the materials and the book in PDF.

The duration will depend on you. The classes with explanations, tips and tricks, you can see them in less than a week (that’s why it’s DELE express 😁). But be careful, because you will need more time to complete the book with all the exam models.

No, you will have unlimited access to all the content so you can review the lessons as many times as you need. In addition, you will have access to any updates to the course content free of charge.

You will be able to download the materials and the preparation book in PDF and do them wherever and whenever you want. As soon as you have a little bit of internet you can continue watching the videos with the tricks and strategies.

You can access your courses from a computer, tablet or cell phone.

If at the end of the DELE express course you are not better prepared for the DELE exam, we will refund your money.

Payment is totally secure by credit card, or PayPal. If you can’t pay with these methods, write us at and we will help you.

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